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What it is ?

Ghost Matter is a blender addon for mixing materials using a dedicated node editor. The materials to mix doesn't need a specific configuration, all kind of materials are compatibles.

In Ghost Matter, you'll find all the blender standard material nodes except for those about shaders. You'll also find material mix nodes and tool nodes.

This documentation explains only the specific nodes of Ghost Matter.


Ghost Matter can't be animated, except with the Time Interpolation Node

How it works ?

Any blender materials can be input in the Ghost Matter node tree with the Material Input node. Materials are then converted into a compatible format for the Ghost Matter system.

Ghost Matter generates or update automaticly the Ghost Matter Material contained in the output node when combining nodes in the GhostTree Editor. The Update can be done manualy clicking , or the eyes icons on the nodes outputs...


You don't have to interact in this material. Only use GhostTtree and double click on the material input materials to edit them.


Resulted materials can be used without the addon. You don't have to interact at this level while using Ghost Matter.

The GhostTree:

The hidden part generated by Ghost Matter. A combination of standards blender material nodes updated on the fly. Don't interact at this level.

Ghost Matter Tools

Ghost Matter contains some tools like

  • Texture baking to image or vertex colors

  • Decals projection

  • etc..

See Object tools and Node tools pages